Optimal Portfolio: drawn from empirical studies In this exposition we will consider an optimal portfolio consisting of Mutual Funds. To accomplish this we must select a benchmark index then relate each fund to this benchmark. The next computation will be systematic and unsystematic risk. Then we must compute the Cut Off Point which will enable the calculation of the optimum portfolio. First we calculate a risk free rate of return. A proxy for Risk Free Rate can be Government Bonds. The calculation for Risk Free rate is set out below. |
From tables above calculate the Variance of the Market Index R?m = SRm÷N = 20.51/5 = 4.10 sm2 = S (Rm-R?m) 2/N-1 = 296.16/ 4 = 74.04 Risk and Return Calculation on Selected Funds (Net Asset Value (NAV) ,fund return and variance.
Calculation of variance of Birla sun life R?i = SRi/N = 59.58/5 = 11.91 si2 = S (Ri-R?i) 2/N-1 = 55/4 = 13.75 Systematic Risk: ßi = S (Ri-R?i) (Rm-R?m)/ (Rm-R?m) 2 = 57.92/296.16 = 0.1955 Unsystematic Risk: se?i2 = si2-ßi2sm2 = 13.75 - (0.19552*74.04) = 13.75 -2.829 = 10.92 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund
Table 6: NAV and fund return of SBI Magnum Midcap Fund.
Table 7: Calculation of variance of SBI Magnum Midcap Fund R?i = SRi/N = 27.25/5 = 5.45 si2 = (Ri-?R?i) 2/n-1 = 569.03/4 = 142.25 Systematic Risk: ßi = S (Ri-?R?i) (Rm-Rm?)/(Rm-Rm?) 2 = 204.89/296.16 = 0.6918 Unsystematic Risk: se?i2 = si2-ßi2sm2 =142.25 - (0.69182*74.04) = 142.25 35.4345 = 106.81 Kotak Classic Equity FundThe below given Tables 8 and 9 shows the NAV and fund return and Calculation of Kotak Classic Equity Fund. R?i = SRi/N
Table 8: NAV and fund return of Kotak Classic Equity Fund.
Table 9: Calculation of variance of Kotak Classic Equity Fund. R?i = SRi/N = 28.24/5 = 5.64 si2 = S (Ri-R?i) 2/n-1 = 152.88/4 = 38.22 Systematic Risk: ßi = S (Ri-R?i) (Rm-R?m)/(Rm-R?m) 2 = 64.32 /296.16 = 0.2171 Unsystematic Risk: se?i2 = si2-ßi2sm2 = 38.22 - (0.21712*74.04) = 38.22 3.4896 = 34.73 Due to demand the above exposition is published prior to full completion. The complete exposition will be added shortly.