Multiple Regression Analysis - Vodafone raw data - stockpedia/yahoo finance | |||||||||||||||||||
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Multiple Regression Analysis |
R Square The R square value of 0.9952 shows a very high level of fit. 88.85% of the variation of the dependent variable RoA is explained by the independent variables EPS normalised, PE Ratio and Dividend Growth. Significance Levels F and P statistics Significance level F indicates the statistical significance of the Multiple Regression analysis. The significance F value is 0.007059. This is less than 0.05, therefore the F level is statistically significant. Similarly, considering the P values, EPS Norm is less than 0.05, so this metric is statistically significant. PE and DividendGrowth are greater then 0.05, so these values are not statistically significant. Regression Equation and the Coefficients The equation of this regression analysis is RoA = EPSNormalised + PERatio + DividendGrowth. Inserting our calculated coefficients this becomes RoA = EPSNormalised * 16.05444 + PERatio * -0.03626 + DividendGrowth * 0.062689. This indicates a very large positive relationship between RoA and EPSNormalised, a negative relationship between RoA and PERatio (for each single unit increase in PERatio the RoA will decrease by 0.03626), and a positive relationship between RoA and DividendGrowth. Don't forget the P values of PE and DividendGrowth. Sources Vodafone balance sheets yahoo finance stockpedia penninescripts