Loan Calculations and Analysis

The results of this loan payment calculator are for comparison purposes only. They will be a close approximation of actual loan repayments if available at the terms entered, from a financial institution. To use, enter values for the Loan Amount, Downpayment, Number of Months for Loan, and the Interest Rate (e.g. 2.25), then click the Calculate button. Clicking the Reset button will clear entered values.

Description Data Entry
Loan Amount
Loan Length in Months
Interest Rate
Monthly PaymentCalculated
Enter only numeric values (no commas), using decimal points where needed.
Non-numeric values will cause errors.
Future Value Calculator

Future Value Calculator

Future Value Using Simple Annual Interest

The Future Value (FV) formula assumes a constant rate of growth and a single upfront payment left untouched for the duration of the investment. The FV calculation can be done one of two ways depending on the type of interest being earned. If an investment earns simple interest, then the Future Value (FV) formula is:

FV = I * (1 + (R * T)) where I = Investment Amount, R = Interest Rate, T = Number of years

For example, assume a £1,000 investment is held for five years in a savings account with 10% simple interest paid annually. In this case, the FV of the £1,000 initial investment is £1,000 * [1 + (0.10 * 5)], or £1,500.

Future Value Using Compounded Annual Interest With simple interest, it is assumed that the interest rate is earned only on the initial investment. With compounded interest, the rate is applied to each period's cumulative account balance. In the example above, the first year of investment earns 10% * £1,000, or £100, in interest. The following year, however, the account total is £1,100 rather than £1,000; so, to calculate compounded interest, the 10% interest rate is applied to the full balance for second-year interest earnings of 10% * £1,100, or £110.

The formula for the Future Value (FV) of an investment earning compounding interest is: FV = I * (1 + R) ^ T where T = Number of years

Please enter the following values and click the Calculate button to find the Future value:

Present Value =  

Interest Rate= 

Number of Years= 

Royal Dutch Shell Stock Information & Analysis
Royal Dutch Shell Stock Information & Analysis